April is in full swing and the birds and bees are busy tossing little flower petals like confetti around my yard. It’s a wild pollination party! They all make the important work look like fun. I hope this Kindness Roots letter does that for you. Get ready to grab a fist full of sweet gratitude and spread kindness like bees in trees.
Every month you’re now invited to play a little gratitude game of catch and release. It’s a bit like playing Tag and you’re always it. I’ll share actions you can take to catch a little gratitude for yourself. I’ll also send a few ways to tag someone else with kindness.
Let’s Play!
Catch Gratitude
Read something beautiful.
Choose a favorite book or poem that always lifts you up. Or try something new. I personally rate both Heart Talk and Where to Begin by Cleo Wade a solid ❤❤❤❤❤
Both books are available wherever books are sold but you get bonus points for supporting indy shops like Powells City of Books and Bookshop.
Write something joyful.
When you see the phrase “real leaders lead with love,” who comes to mind? Put your thoughts on paper. Or make a list of all the people you want to hug when you are both fully vaccinated. Need a new journal for the job? Check out the adorable selection at Pulp & Circumstance.
Release Kindness
Plant something pretty.
Roadside daffodils surprise and delight me every spring. Grab a bag of summer blooming bulbs like crocosmia, lilies, or phlox. Drop the bulbs in unexpected places to bring a little joy to random passersby.
Write something kind.
Give a ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ review to small business on Google or Facebook. It takes just a few minutes, but will have a long-lasting benefit for your favorite shop or restaurant. Or simply text a friend. I love it when a bestie fills me in on where to get a crazy yummy new treat.
Share something you love.
Loan a favorite book. Or show someone how to sign up and download a copy with a free digital library card. My parents so appreciated having a constant supply of free books on their tablets during the pandemic.

Incase You Missed It
Our community is growing on social media and so is the gratitude card collection! Follow Kindness Roots on Facebook and Instagram to see new designs like this “deer” one. The first printing sold out fast, but it’s restocked now and perfect for teachers, co-workers, moms, big sisters, and all who lead with kindness.
Our Card of the Month subscribers received the tulip-filled “Gratitude Blooms” card for April, and there are now just a few left in the shop.
Did our April letter put a little spring in your step? I would love to hear from you! If you have questions or brilliant ideas for our next letter, please let me know in comments or send an email to yourfriends@kindnessroots.com.
Enjoy the day!
P.S. You can get A Kindness Buzz delivered to your email by subscribing here.